Lab in a Lorry is coming to East Anglia for the first time and they are looking for volunteers. Could you be one of them?
Organised by the Institute of Physics, Lab in a Lorry is an interactive mobile science laboratory that gives young people aged 11-14 the opportunity to explore science through open-ended experiments. Volunteers with a scientific or engineering background are sought to help guide the students through the experiments and make sure everyone gets involved.
The Lab will be visiting schools in the Bury St Edmunds area in June and July 2015. Further information, including the full schedule of dates can be found in the flyer.
Below are a couple of quotes from colleagues in Wales who took advantage of this great opportunity:
What did I get out of it? I met people in science and engineering from outside the Ministry of Defence and we compared views and opinions. I had the pleasure of knowing the pupils enjoyed their time in the lab (hearing kids say “that was cool” as they left the lorry) and after getting through almost 60 pupils I hope that I have persuaded at least some of them to consider Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) as a career.
Mike Bradley from Ministry of Defence
A day doing physics experiments sounded fun. I was wrong. It was fantastic. I can now explain why the sky is blue, how sound can break glass and how fibre optics work. It also gave me the confidence that I could be a STEM Ambassador for my son’s school. If I could engage and enjoy doing physics with comprehensive school kids, 7 and 8 years olds it should be a doddle!
Jacqui Murray from Natural Resource Wales.
If you would like to learn more about Lab in a Lorry please visit: If you would like to volunteer or have any questions please contact: James Bamford.