Are you looking for ways to develop skills that can be transferred between departments? Would you like to work alongside civil servants from across departments in the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber and have the support of your own mentor? Then this could be the opportunity for you.
Following the success of our previous Talent Management and Academy Programmes, CS Local North East, Yorkshire and the Humber is pleased to announce the launch of our new Academy programme for 2017.
One of the priorities in the Civil Service Workforce Plan 2016-20 and Leadership Statement is to develop world-class leaders, who are inspiring, confident and empowering and to develop skilled people who are high-performing, adaptable and take personal responsibility.

The CS Local Modular Academy is a cross-departmental opportunity intended for those who have shown potential to become a manager and leader but could benefit from further development. It is open to staff at AA/AO and equivalent grades and EO first time managers within a year of their appointment.
The Academy is designed to help develop a range of competencies required to become managers and leaders of the future. During the year long programme you will participate in four action learning modules covering Collaborating and Partnering, Communicating, Leading and Building Capability. The modules will take place in Newcastle for the North East delegates and Leeds for the Yorkshire and Humber delegates.

You will work with a group of civil servants from other departments to develop and take part in a project on a theme from the vision for a Brilliant Civil Service. This enables participants to develop skills that can be transferred between departments and establish networks to develop an appreciation of the wider civil service.
You will receive support from a mentor from another department throughout the programme to help you make the most of your learning and give you new perspectives.
How to Apply
To find out more please read the applicant and line manager guidance and the timetable for the North East or the Yorkshire and Humber programmes and discuss with your Line Manager.
If you and your Line Manager agree that this is an appropriate opportunity for you please request an application form from Kelly Roush. The deadline for completed applications is Friday 14 October 2016.
Would You Like to Mentor an Academy Delegate?

An important part of the programme is pairing participants with a mentor from another government department to help them to make the most of their learning and development.
We have a great contingent of mentors who provide this service from across a range of departments. This year we are hoping to extend the number of places on the programme and so we are looking for additional mentors.
Read the academy mentor role and, if you’re interested in helping someone develop in their career, please contact Richard Armstrong to request a mentor expression of interest form.