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Applications for the 2020 ESEL Academy invited

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Academy group from 2018Welcome to the Civil Service Local East, South East & London Academy; a mix of self-discovery, personal and leadership development and team building.

Concentrating on the leadership behaviours: inspiring, confident, empowering our Academy is aimed at those in the junior grades with ambition, enthusiasm and the potential to become leaders. This is for those who are proactive, willing to challenge attitudes and behaviours, positive about creating and leading change and being a role model for all civil servants.

As well as developing new skills, building confidence and self-awareness, you will be working collaboratively with other civil servants from a range of government departments to develop and deliver a project that helps bring our vision of 'a brilliant Civil Service' to life.

The Academy starts with a 4 day course which will feature a number of keynote speakers and promises to be a lively, challenging and exciting experience for all concerned!

Back in your work place you will then spend a couple of days a month over the course of a year to develop and deliver a project. Working on your own and with your family group you will need determination and commitment to complete your project and the Academy.

Target Audience: Up to and including EO grade from any government departments based in the east, south east or London.

When: Course is 13 January to 16 January 2020

Where: The Bull Hotel Conference Centre Westgate, Peterborough, PE1 1RB.

Time commitment: The Academy is an initial 4 day course followed by time working on your project over the following 12 months.

Delegates must be able to commit to the 4-day course and follow up work with their teams. That time may be spent face to face or on a virtual basis. Other than the initial 4 days this time is flexible in order to meet the needs of the project and individual’s day-to-day responsibilities but realistically you may expect to spend two or three days a month plus some of your own time.

Delegates will also be required to come together again for one day at mid-year (July 2020) and end-of-year (January 2021) to share progress and celebrate their achievements.

Cost: There is no charge for the course. You will need to arrange your own accommodation. There are several hotels in the vicinity including The Bull. Individual’s departments must meet any travel and subsistence costs.

The first 4 days

The key themes of the Academy are leadership and project management and these form the basis for all activities throughout the 4 days.

The Academy has been carefully aligned to the Civil Service vision of “Effective leaders who are inspiring, confident and empowering and live our values” and “Skilled people who are high-performing, adaptable and take personal responsibility”.

Over the course of the 4 days you will look at team building/dynamics, presentation and feedback skills, leadership, innovation, the future of the Civil Service, project management.

Delegates will be put into cross-departmental ‘families’ and remain in that family for the duration of the Academy.

Working in families you will decide upon a project which supports our vision for ‘a brilliant Civil Service’ to deliver in the 12 months.

As a family you will pitch your project to a group of senior civil servants in a ‘dragon’s den’ scenario.

Application process

This development opportunity is open to all Civil Service employees of the required grades based in our area, regardless of race, disability, age and sexual orientation. We will make every effort to allocate places proportionately across departments. To apply send information as listed below on a word document to Please mark the email subject 'Academy Application' and include your name in the title of the word document.

Departments must provide a commitment to releasing candidates to attend the 4 day course, attend the mid year and end of year events and at least one day a month for the year to work on their project.

The closing date for applications is 22 November 2019. We will endeavour to confirm places by 6 December.

If you wish to discuss the Academy in more detail before deciding to apply or endorse an application please contact

Information required

  • Full name
  • Grade
  • Department
  • Office location
  • Email address
  • Manager's full name
  • Manager's email address
  • 250 words max. stating why you are applying for the academy and what you would hope to get out of it.
  • 100 word max. from your manager endorsing your application and confirming their commitment to support and release you for the duration of the academy.

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  1. Comment by Rebecca Wharton posted on

    Hi - can civil service employees from all sites apply for this opportunity? Also, are there similar schemes in other areas of the UK?

  2. Comment by Rebecca Wharton posted on

    Thanks Susan! Best wishes, Rebecca

  3. Comment by Annabel posted on

    Hello - is this suitable for apprentices? Do you know if it would count as work-based experience?

    • Replies to Annabel>

      Comment by Susan Coles posted on

      Hi Annabel, we have apprentices previously on our academy, you would need to discuss with your manager whether they thought you would gain from the experience. If successful you would be doing a work based project so assume it counts but again to be sure I would check with your manager.

  4. Comment by Ash posted on

    How many places are there on this ESEL academy?

  5. Comment by Sharon Moxon posted on

    What are you looking for in the Line Manager section please?

  6. Comment by Jennie posted on

    Will you be running anymore of these courses later in the year or next year?