Over 4 days in Hutton, near Preston, Elaine Vance kept a diary of her experience as a delegate in our flagship Inspirational Leadership event.
Day 1

All the concerns I had are beginning to settle. The lively, friendly atmosphere oozes out of this big conference room and I get the feeling there's a lot of hard work involved. The speakers are so confident and encouraging, we're all paying attention.
Soon, we're sifted in to groups, or families as we're to be known. I'm one of The Salts - our family has a maritime theme. We gelled straight away in our syndicate room with our passionate family leader Carla. She was keen to keep our family theme going and even gave us all a sailor's hat! But then it was back to business, learning about ourselves and putting our talents to good use in the Marshmallow Challenge. The competitive side soon came out and carried on to the Eight to One exercise. we were knocked out in the first round, but that didn't stop us ending a fab day feeling excited about tomorrow.