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Your next Discovery session

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Discovery Sessions are a series of interactive talks and learning events, each lasting a couple of hours. Colleagues have the opportunity to hear about cross-departmental subjects and issues that affect all of us as Civil Servants. A list of the next sessions to be held in the north west of England is included below. We use our popular Discovery Sessions programme as a way to offer bite-sized learning for our Civil Servants. You can go to a 2-hour learning event and meet people from across government with the same issues and interests as you. Different sessions cover specific topics.

We’re pleased to introduce more new topics this spring. It's also a great opportunity to watch our Civil Service Local promotional video.


When: 11 May
Where: Civil Justice Centre, Manchester
Subject: Team Resilience.
Facilitator: Rene Barratt - In conjunction with North West Employers


When: 21 May
Where: HMRC BC Learning Suite, Preston
Theme: What the election result means for us.
Facilitator: Gary Hart


When: 17 or 30 June
Where: HMRC Learning Centre Guild Centre, Preston
Theme: Future Public Sector Talent
Facilitator: Keith Power - in conjunction with North West Employers


If you need the schedule details in a different format please contact Paul Voller or look at our table of events

Note some departments, including HMRC, will be unable to view the video from their work desktops.

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