Are you passionate about being a civil servant? Would you like the opportunity to play a part in helping to shape the future direction of the Civil Service Vision, A Brilliant Civil Service?
Come and join us at a workshop session on 24 January, Conference room 6, 2 Rivergate, Temple Quay in Bristol between 10:30am and 12pm.
The Civil Service vision for a brilliant Civil Service was launched in 2015. We need to ensure that the vision remains relevant and aspirational to all civil servants. We are therefore looking to ‘refresh’ the vision, building on what we know inspires and motivates, and ensuring that the vision is relevant and accessible to all.
John Manzoni continues to challenge us to keep the vision alive for the wider Civil Service. A key driver is the work to inform CS Live 2020, as the primary opportunity to demonstrate what it means to be a brilliant civil service. This year's ambition is to extend CS Live, creating lasting content and material reaching beyond the physical attendees to the wider cross Civil Service audience.
We want to share our emerging thinking with you and recognise that you can help inform and shape future direction.
Booking in online here via Eventbrite. You will need to seek approval from your line manager and any travel and subsistence costs must be met by your department.
1 comment
Comment by Elspeth Dornan posted on
Continuously Improving !! #bethechange ? we ARE the Change !