Greek philosopher, Heraclitus was long ago quoted as saying that the only constant was change, but still today, many change initiatives in the business world simply fail. Our upcoming event will provide you with an overview of change in the context of the modern workplace and how psychological insights can help people deal more successfully with it.
What is involved?
This session will be delivered by David Patey, Key Account Director & Ireland Country Manager with the Myers Briggs Company. David will discuss what causes change in the workplace, factors that influence how people react to change and how psychological insights can help navigate change.
By the end of the event you will:
- have developed a broader understanding on a subject impacting the Civil Service
- be able to apply the learning back in your workplace
- network with colleagues from other government departments
Where: 1 Horse Guards Road, London.
When: 19th March
Time: You can choose to attend at 10:30 am or 1:30 pm
Places are limited so book your place via the link below on Eventbrite.
The morning session will be at 10:30 - 12:00 (1 hour presentation and time for questions and networking after).
The afternoon session will be at 13:30 - 15:00 (1 hour presentation and time for questions and networking after).
This event is open to civil servants at any grade. Please bring your Civil Service ID with you.Lunch/refreshments will not be provided but you are welcome to bring those with you.
Please note that you will need to seek approval from your line manager to attend and any travel and subsistence costs must be met by your department. This is a learning event and may count towards your 5 a year learning and development days.
For further information please contact Jonathan Agard.
Comment by Bonnie posted on
Will this session be running in Newcastle anytime?
Comment by Jonathan Agard posted on
Unfortunately there are no current plans to extend to any other areas, however, this could change in the future so would advise to keep a look out for blogs in your area.
Comment by Gabrielle Cheung posted on
I can't attend this, but it really interests me. Will there be any scope after the event to share the resources used or are they the property of the presenter?
It would be great if a similar event was planned in Scotland or the Northern England.
Comment by Sue posted on
This also really interests me, but I am based in Sheffield. If there was a plan to repeat this for those in other areas of the Civil Service, that would be wonderful. Alternatively if there was a livestream option, or recording available afterwards, that would be useful as well.
Comment by CFullman posted on
Is it possible to Skype in or share a recording of the session please for those interested but unable to attend in person?
Comment by Jonathan Agard posted on
There are no current plans to extend to other areas, however, this could change in the future so would advise to keep a look out for blogs in your area. Unfortunately we would be unable to share material or content owned by the Myers Briggs company.