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Civil Service Local closure

Civil Service Local Team

With effect from 1 April 2022, Civil Service Local is no longer in operation.

Thank you

We would like to thank you for working with us over the last 11 years, whether youโ€™ve been with us throughout our time, or just recently become involved. It has been a pleasure working in partnership with so many different civil servants across the full range of departments and agencies, and across the whole country. We look forward to working with many of you again in the future in the new roles that we will be undertaking to help build the vision of a skilled, innovative and ambitious Civil Service equipped for the future.

Who we were

Civil Service Local (CS Local) was a cross-departmental team that was part of the Cabinet Office but based in locations around Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Its purpose was to bring together departments and agencies within each locality to deliver actions and opportunities that brought the vision for a Modern Civil Service to life, and encouraged more of us to be part of it.

Some of its former functions are now being taken forward by different parts of the Cabinet Office.

Learning and development

Civil Service Local activity that focused on learning and development for civil servants is now delivered through the Government Skills and Curriculum Unit (GSCU).

Heads of Place

Reform and modernisation of the Civil Service to serve our citizens more effectively is the responsibility of the Modernisation and Reform Unit. Some aspects of regional/national reform will be taken forward through the Heads of Place programme, based in the Modernisation and Reform Unit.

Further information

You may wish to visit which offers news, events and personal stories and insights on working in and across government.

Please be aware that this blog will not be maintained or monitored, and information accessed through historical links will not be up to date.

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  1. Comment by Tara Dixon posted on

    Such a shame - just as I've recently discovered it and requested to join my local group it comes to an end.

  2. Comment by Lynda Vaux posted on

    Thank you for everything you've shared via these pages.

  3. Comment by Alison Nicholls posted on

    As a 'Future Leaders' Alumni, I would like to say a big 'thank you' to Nita and the South West team for their support for the 'GROW Your Career' project. The end result for the Brown Family was a hugely successful online Careers Showcase that we are all 'chuffed to bits' has continued on with the Heads of Place programme.

    I hope this won't spell the end for Future Leaders because it certainly seems to have done a lot for the members of the Brown Family and we hope to hear from you again soon!

  4. Comment by Robert Norris posted on

    Sorry to see you go.

  5. Comment by Damien posted on

    As an FLA graduate, I'm sorry to see this. Tom is a top man, and really helped me during the academy. You guys put some great events on too. Thanks for everything. Wish you all the best in your future roles.

  6. Comment by Alison Mains posted on

    I am so sad to hear this. Civil Service Local (midlands) have been amazing. Angela, Vanessa and Andrea were fabulous.

  7. Comment by jess jackson posted on

    I'm sad and grateful too. I was part of the fantastic REACH program for part time workers which was greatly appreciated.

  8. Comment by Nat posted on

    This is very sad news and I will miss working with Vanessa and Angela greatly. Hopefully it's not the end and we can collaborate on new projects in the future. Wishing you all the best in your new roles.

  9. Comment by Rozanne Kidd posted on

    I am so sorry CS Local colleagues you are writing your own cheerio. It is us across Government depts(UK and devolved) and our ALBs etc who should be thanking you for your support, commitment and hard work which has brought together shared experiences, initiatives and learning creating successful regional, devolved and national networks which have made a difference to colleagues , customers and citizens. I am pleased a lot of your good work is not disappearing and will resurface within for example the Heads of Place areas and Future leaders Academy is hopefully one of these as is a real jewel in the crown of CS Local. All the very best to all of you in your new ventures and we hope to be working with some of you again in your new work homes. A special shout out to CS Local Scotland colleagues from me and all the leaders with a footrpint in Scotland -has been a blast ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Replies to Rozanne Kidd>

      Comment by John Mark Haskey posted on

      Thanks Rozanne, we (in England) have only heard good things about your support and enthusiasm. We have a saying that 'no-one ever leaves Civil Service Local' and the spirit of the movement will continue.

  10. Comment by Lesley McCartney posted on

    I'm very sad to hear this. I have been involved in several aspects of CSL Scotland throughout the years and it was an invaluable resource. Thank you very much for all your support!

  11. Comment by Fiona Mortimer posted on

    Really sorry to see the end of CS Local - it was a great way for all departments to collaborate and share resource, ideas and best practice. The Academies were a brilliant success, and have certainly helped many people with their careers.

    Wishing best of luck to all - especially Nita Murphy who always made everyone feel welcome to the South West Group

  12. Comment by Andy Ashworth posted on

    Such a sad day for what was one of the best teams to exist across the civil service - making real change happen at local levels and impacting on many peoples lives. You have been amazing and I will never forget the opportunity I had to be part of that 11 years - best wishes to everyone in their next steps!

  13. Comment by Heather Flanagan posted on

    It is with a heavy heart that we leave, I have loved every minute of my time in CS Local working across Scotland and sometimes Northern Ireland with networks and academy delegates sharing skills, experiences and developing my own knowledge. For me this will be a new chapter in Government Skills and Curriculum Unit.

  14. Comment by Sunny Thompson posted on

    Very sad to hear this and looking forward to seeing whatever will be put in place to join up colleagues in smaller locations... There's more to the civil service than big city hubs!

  15. Comment by Linda Astley posted on

    Sorry to hear this, great cross-government team bringing many civil servants together to deliver exemplary services.
    Privileged to have had the opportunity to work with some great colleagues on a number of initiatives in the North-West over the years.
    Wishing everyone the best in whatever comes next.

  16. Comment by Karl Harvey posted on

    My involvement with CS Local over the last 9 years has been the highlight of my 21 year career in the Civil Service, starting with my participation in the Academy as a delegate and leading to my role within CS Local the last 2 and half years,

    I really have enjoyed building relationships and working collaboratively with such wonderful civil servants not just in Wales but across the whole of the UK, and have loved seeing how the Future Leaders Academy has made such a huge impact on so many of its delegates.

    Thank you to everyone who has supported us in Wales and across the UK over the years, I look forward to working with you in other capacities going forward ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Comment by Kate Heath posted on

    What a shame that CS Local is closing. I joined the Civil Service 6 years ago and I have attended some fantastic presentations courtesy of this group. Thank you all for all your efforts over the years, sad to see you go.

  18. Comment by Cara Oladeji posted on

    Thank you for everything! From our group at Future Leaders, most of us gained promotion, at least one promotion and some of us two so it worked, thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Comment by Kathie Bates posted on

    Civil Service Local was the best job I ever had and will remain forever in my heart. It was a privilege to meet so many talented people across the Civil Service and be part of such an awesome team. Good luck to everyone in their next role, the Civil Service has lost a jewel from its crown but leaves a legacy that will never be forgotten by so many.

  20. Comment by Matt Walker posted on

    Sad news but thank you for everything, I have always enjoyed what you have shared, good luck in your new ventures ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Comment by Brian Day posted on

    This is really sad news. Civil Service Local have always been a great support to the work I do but also to all the thousands of Civil Servants who have talked to them. They have made such a huge impact on many lives and I will be sorry to see them go.

    I would like to publicly thank everyone who worked for CS Local West Midlands and hope that we catch up again soon

  22. Comment by Lisa David Edwards posted on

    This is a real shame, it's more of this we need not less. I've read so many interesting articles and undertaken opportunities which could only be found through this group. Dare I ask the reason, is there anything that can be done to support and reverse the decision?

  23. Comment by Kim Ralph posted on

    So sad to read this. If it hadn't been for CS Local I would still be stuck in a rubbish job not realising my potential. I loved every minute of working with you all and John Haskey was a great manager to have - I learned a lot from you and indeed my other colleagues! My time working with you all will always remain with me and the impact it had will not be forgotten. Thank you all for everything, and wishing everyone all the very best for the next step.

  24. Comment by Lynn Cooper posted on

    To say I loved my 2 years in the CS Local Team is an understatement - I learnt so much from you and have many fond memories of Academies, Discovery Sessions and Conferences all around the UK! I will be forever grateful for your great ethos and the friendship, support and professionalism you each constantly displayed. This is a sad day, the end of a CS Local mini-era, but I have no doubt you will each embrace the changes with your usual determination and positive mindset. I wish you all the very best in your new roles - and please keep in touch! You can take the person out of CS Local but not CS Local out of the person!

    • Replies to Lynn Cooper>

      Comment by John Mark Haskey posted on

      Good to hear from you Lynn, I hope all is still going well in the role you took after CS Local - as you have paraphrased 'you never leave CS Local'

      Civil Service Local wasn't the central team but all our supporters who made this a 'grassroots movement towards reform and development of the Civil Service' - the central branding changes but the desire for change and improvement continues.

  25. Comment by Andrew Crawford posted on

    Thanks so much for all the info. and opportunities you've shared to encourage CS join-up and a positive promotion to the public. I've especially enjoyed supporting interviews and careers talks in local schools coordinated by CS Local South West over the years, and hope that somehow that kind of valuable experience for young students thinking about career paths can continue.

  26. Comment by Lorna Poole posted on

    Very sorry to see you go! Thank you for all the great work CS Local has done over the years. You'll leave behind a great legacy, and very big boots to fill.

  27. Comment by Carole Rose posted on

    So sad to read this, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with the scheme and made some lifelong friends with those that I worked closely with. good luck in the new venture.

  28. Comment by Sally Roberts posted on

    This is so disappointing, as Civil Servants there are very few opportunities to come together across departments - sharing good practice which is what Civil Service Local enabled. We are often told "Our people are our most valuable asset" but this is another example of degradation of our identity and community. Thank you for all your efforts and I just know that we, the Civil servants, will be poorer without your organisation.

  29. Comment by Anne Burt posted on

    I wanted to say a massive thank you and good luck to all the wonderful people who've been involved in CS Local. Making connections (and friends!) across departments and agencies, supporting future talent, helping our local communities - CS Local has delivered amazing things that showcase the civil service at its best.

  30. Comment by Emily Greaves posted on

    Sorry to see this! I was lucky enough to be part of the Going Forward Project in the northwest, and a Future Leaders Academy in the west midlands - I definitely wouldn't have got to where I am without those two opportunities - hope they continue in another form! Thankyou to all at CS Local

  31. Comment by Alison Acton posted on

    So sorry to hear CS Local will no more. Really enjoyed my time working with you especially Richard and Alan good luck for everything you do in the future. Really think the Civil Service is missing a trick here.

  32. Comment by Sonia Preston posted on

    Thank you CS Local for everything. I too had an amazing year working with you all, best job ever! So many fond memories especially the Future Leaders Academy - I made life long friends with my Team Heywood Family and we are planning on meeting up this summer.

    So thank you kindly and wish you all well for the future.
