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Continuous improvement: visit 2 model offices

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Often the best way to get inspiration for local continuous improvement (CI) strategies is to see how other offices and departments are doing it well.

We have 2 business areas in our region which have been awarded model status. This is HMRC’s way of recognising an area that is assessed as operating at the highest level in CI, and can engage with a wider audience to demonstrate widespread ‘better every day’ cultural change.

Both offices, which are based in Waterview Park, Washington, are open for visits from other civil servants in our region who want to see the things they are doing, and use them in their own business areas.

Child Benefit Office (CBO)

500 staff are responsible for the payment of Child Benefit, Guardian’s Allowance and Change of Circumstances.  Approximately 1 million claims are received each year, of which around 65% are deemed as straightforward.  Changes Teams deal with changes in circumstances following an award of ChB and approximately 850,000 changes per annum are received.

More information can be found here and to register interest please complete the CBO Visitor Request Form.

Tax Credit Change of Circumstances cluster

This office has held model office status since October 2012.  It has 500 staff providing updates to Tax Credit customers’ records dealing with approximately half a million physical change of circumstances per annum received from the customer.  Notifications of changes are also received on worklists and updates from other departments bringing the total number changes made in the cluster to over one million per year.  As well as Change of Circumstances the cluster also deals with Error and Fraud work that has contributed £230m to the E&F strategy in 2013-14 year.

To register interest, please complete the Model Office Visit Request Form.

Please note that, if there is a lot of interest, applicants will be placed on a waiting list until a visit slot becomes available.

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