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Winter Walk to help overcome fuel poverty

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: East, South East & London

Across England, more than 2.6 million families - (around 6.5m people) are living in fuel poverty. That's 10% of all households!

Knowing of the desperate plight of citizens in our own communities, The Muslim Networks across NHS Improvement, Department of Health and Public Health England thought the least they could do was a "Winter Walk" over a lunch period to get to know colleagues and raise awareness of this problem and they would welcome anyone who wants to join them. All donations go to the great charity National Energy Action, who provide relief efforts in some of the most deprived communities.

When: 6 December at 1:00pm


If  you would like to participate in one of the above walks - or organise a Winter Walk on your site - contact us.

If you would like to join this walk contact us.

Please mention CS Local when you email.

If you are not able get to a walk but would still like to help you can donate here

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  1. Comment by Osman Dar posted on

    Great initiative!

  2. Comment by Sami Rahman posted on

    There is also one intended from 39 Victoria Street (DH HQ) on the same date, 6th December at 13:00.