On 17 January 2020 we held a workshop at Apex Court in Nottingham to launch our new Apprenticeship Network. Over 70 apprentices and line managers attended to share their thoughts and experiences with their peers from other departments across government.
Eleanor Frisby (pictured second left) Executive Case Manager at the Office of the Public Guardian said:
"I started my Civil Service journey as a level 3 Operational Delivery apprentice, a journey which made me realise how few opportunities there are for Civil Service apprentices and their line managers to network with other apprentices and line managers across a range of government departments.
"After discussions with Civil Service Local Midlands, we began working in collaboration with colleagues from HMRC and DWP to plan, develop and create a launch event for the new Civil Service Local Midlands Apprenticeship Network. We had over 70 apprentices, line managers, speakers and panel members in attendance with everyone bringing something different and exciting to the event.
"The purpose of this event was to find out what support and opportunities apprentices and line managers want, so that we can create a strong, supportive network shaped by the people at the heart of it.
"We were lucky enough to have some great, inspirational speakers including Jo Shephard (pictured smiling, bottom left is Senior Apprenticeship Leader for DWP) and Nicola Hanmer (HMRC Apprenticeship Network Lead) who shared their experiences and advice, with an opportunity for lots of questions and discussion. The day was a great success and we are all excited to begin planning our next apprenticeship event, and shaping this network going forward!"
If you are an apprentice, line manage an apprentice, or are just interested in getting to know more about Civil Service apprenticeships in the Midlands, please contact CS Local Midlands.
Comment by Natalie Stagg posted on
Absolutely brilliant, well done all, and Jo's smiling face seems to be everywhere, is she really 1 person 🙂
Comment by Angela Fisher posted on
Thank you Natalie.