Reform and Modernisation Champions Network in the Northwest
Thank you for your attendance at our Reform and Modernisation opening event last month.
In response to your feedback we are now launching our Reform and Modernisation Champions Network in the Northwest. As you requested the network will:-
- allow you to collaborate and understand the Northwest vision for Reform and Modernisation
- provide the opportunity to innovate. Working across the civil service, turning words into action and facilitating activities to support the Reform and Modernisation agenda
- share communication tools and advocate best practice with your fellow Reform and Modernisation Champions to deliver within your departments
- work closely and hear from our North West Senior Civil Servants Network and Heads of Place Director
- make a genuine difference to the policies we develop and the services we provide to our citizens
The first network meeting
Wednesday 16 March 2022
1pm to 2pm
Please book your ticket using Eventbrite
The network is open to all Reform and Modernisation champions regardless of grade. We just need your passion to get the Northwest moving.
If you have an interest in chairing and co-chairing the network, or would like some more information please email:- cslocalnw@cabinetoffice.gov.uk