Head of CS Local
After 6 years as Civil Service Local co-ordinator I’m delighted to be going national in my new role as head of Civil Service Local.
Over the last few years CS Local has become a house hold name with many Civil Servants across the land, inspiring them to be involved in something broader than their own department. I feel privileged to have been a part of building an organisation and programme of activities which not only support our people's personal and professional development but also brings to life in a real and tangible way the Civil Service vision.
I am looking forward to my new role and excited about the pioneering opportunities we have in the pipeline. But perhaps most, looking forward to getting to know lots more brilliant civil servants in new places.
There are a variety of ways you can get involved with CS Local: through our networks, learning opportunities or by volunteering to help vulnerable citizens in the community. If you want to learn more about the activities we offer, sign up for alerts on these pages or email one of the local contacts to be added to their mailing list.
I consider myself very lucky to do the job I do. I get to meet and work with fantastic people across the Civil Service, make a difference in people’s lives and feel appreciated for what we do.
Can’t wait to create for the next chapter of the CS Local story. #abrilliantcivilservice - in action.
Happy Christmas everyone
Kathie Bates
Comment by Dee Johannessen posted on
Well done Kathie! Liverpool TCO still misses you! The work you are doing now and the enthusiasm you have is a real asset for The Civil Service Local. I'm sure your enthusiasm will touch everyone and everything you do. Many Congratulations!
Comment by Kathie.bates@cabinetoffice.gov.uk posted on
Thanks you for your kind words, much appreciated. I'll do my best!
Comment by Anne Dodds posted on
Kathie, well done and very best wishes in your new role!
Comment by Kathie.bates@cabinetoffice.gov.uk posted on
Thanks Anne for your good wishes.