A big change
Hi, my name is Kim Ralph. I am a currently on secondment from Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) to Civil Service Local. I started in late May and soon on I realised how big a learning curve it was going to be; the IT, the role and the way of working.
Luckily however the summer conference was almost upon us so I made sure I could attend and I was very glad I did!
The conference
I nervously entered the conference and was greeted by many a friendly face, some I knew but many I did not. I sat and waited to find out what it was all about. All my new colleagues made me feel very at ease and each member of the team was involved in a project which was presented to the rest of us. I realised then this was a role I was really going to enjoy and gain a lot from. It was great to see our Deputy Director Alex Galloway in attendance also and her input into the teams work and achievements had not gone unnoted. The teams presented their work and their aims for the future, reflecting on what they had achieved or could achieve going forward. We were all there to discuss our teams 5 strategic objectives and how we could deliver them together.

Sherene Caesar-Johnson also linked our work to the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek on the why, what and how we do what we do. The importance of the understanding why we do something really helps us to achieve a desired outcome that meets our objectives. Each team worked together across the country and their presentations took different formats which aimed to get the the audience involved as well as demonstrating what they had achieved. Their successes so far and their goals were inspiring.
As day one closed I took time to reflect not only on what I head learnt but the names of these new faces and what exciting new things I could learn and what I could bring to the team. Day 2 saw the final teams present their work and an opportunity for us to all join these teams and help to deliver our strategic objectives.
The event really did focus on how we could deliver our aims and objectives to play our part in a brilliant civil service and how each and every one of us helps with that.
If you found my story interesting and would like to know more please contact me kim.ralph@cabinetoffice.gov.uk
1 comment
Comment by Heather Flanagan posted on
Hi Kim, sorry I missed you but I was on leave. Hopefully we will catch up in the near future, welcome on board Heather CS Local Scotland