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Scotland's Environment - Can you help make a difference

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4 lightbulbs being used to protect the environmentCS Local Scotland would like to introduce our latest idea for a network specifically aimed at those with responsibilities for or influenced by environmental topics.

Our network lead Iain Robertson is a Senior Environmental Advisor and Deer Operations Manager for the Ministry of Defence. Iain is regularly challenged with achieving operational delivery and environmental protection or enhancement across the business.  Through attendance at CS Local events showcasing the networks and the successes achieved,  it became clear there was untapped potential within departments to share environmental experiences, improving and enhancing the collective environmental understanding across government from which the CSLocal Scotland Environmental Network Scotland idea was hatched.

Environmental Network Scotland will provide a forum for practitioners across government to share best practice, discuss current and forthcoming environmental topics, contribute new thinking and develop a wider comprehension of the environmental pressures within our respective departments. Embryonic in nature this network  provides an opportunity for those who may be interested in becoming members to share knowledge, skills and develop a better understanding of just how far the environmental agenda is intertwined into work and daily life.

The success of the network is dependent on the interest, with future direction being developed by those involved. We all have busy roles which will be fully respected therefore the Environmental Network  should be an opportunity to grow and share not further burden.

Don’t agonise in isolation let's share the solution.

Get in touch today if you are interested in joining, email Iain Robertson

We look forward to this innovative network getting off the ground.

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