Civil Service Live is back with another UK tour for summer 2020 and we need your help running the largest cross-department learning events for civil servants!
Each year, Civil Service Live attracts thousands of delegates to learn, network and share best practice, with the goal of providing better public service. This year, we would love for you to consider volunteering with us.
The schedule for Civil Service Live 2020 is as follows:
North East Northumbria University Thursday 11 June
Scotland SECC, Glasgow Thursday 18 June
North West ACC, Liverpool Thursday 25 June
Wales ICC, Newport, Wales Tuesday 30 June
Midlands NEC, Birmingham, Thursday 9 July
South East QEII, London Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 July
How can I get involved?
There are a number of ways to get involved with Civil Service Live 2020.
We need volunteers to help the events run smoothly. Details of the roles we'll have available are here.
You can access the registration site here. You will be prompted for a password to access the site. The password is 'Support'.
Tickets are available for half day sessions at each of the events, so that you can attend half a day as part of the support team, and half a day as a delegate. However, if you are able to commit to a full day, then please select one ticket for both the morning and afternoon sessions. The deadline for volunteer applications is Thursday 23 April 2020.
Once you’ve registered, please block out the time in your calendar as we’ll definitely want to allocate you a role at the events. We'll be in touch with you in May to confirm which role you have been allocated, and provide more details about the briefing session you'll need to attend (this usually takes place at the venue, at 4pm on the day prior to the event).
Supporting activities count towards your corporate contribution objectives, and attendance at the sessions themselves count towards your '5 a year' learning opportunities. We really hope you are able to come and support this year's events.
If you have any questions about the volunteer roles, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at cslivevolunteers@cabinetoffice.gov.uk.
Spot Mentoring
If you are a Grade 7, Grade 6 or Senior Civil Servant and would like to spend just 90 minutes offering Spot Mentoring sessions at any one of the events, please register your interest here. You will be prompted for a password to access the site. The password is 'Mentor'.
For more information on Spot Mentoring, please read the handy guide.
Having an exhibition stand at Civil Service Live is one of the many ways to share and exchange ideas, meet with a wide range of civil servants and raise awareness of the work you do. If you would like to exhibit at Civil Service Live, please apply here.
Organising a session
We are keen to ensure as much of the great practice, innovation and progress achieved by government is shared as widely as possible. If you would like to deliver a session at Civil Service Live, please apply here.
All sessions should fall within one of the five themes of the event.
We hope to see you at Civil Service Live 2020!
Comment by Sharon Mcgivern posted on
Details of roles link has been blocked according to the MOD filtering policy.
Comment by John Mark Haskey posted on
Hi Sharon, we'll look into why this has happened. Meanwhile I have emailed seperateley a copy you can download - let me know if there are still problems, John
Comment by Elizabeth Frain posted on
Hi, can I get a copy of this as well please? Thanks, Elizabeth
Comment by Shona McPherson posted on
John, can you provide me with this info too as I have the same access problem.
Comment by Gordon Anderson posted on
Good morning,
I have a similar issue to Sharon McGivern in relation to the link being blocked, but with exception it is the HMRC filtering policy that will not allow access.
@John Haskey , would it be possible for you to email me a copy?
Comment by Ismail Keekeebhai posted on
Hi John
Can you email me the details as well, as I have the same issue.
Comment by John Mark Haskey posted on
The links/pages should now work
Comment by Daniel Carville posted on
Hi John - just to make you aware that HMRC systems also block the role links.
Comment by Shona McPherson posted on
I have the same problem, any chance I could have a downloadable copy too?
Comment by Nick Ackroyd posted on
details of roles Link just opens a blank page?
Comment by John Mark Haskey posted on
This shouldn't happen anymore - let me know if you are still having problems, john
Comment by Nick Ackroyd posted on
It's ok have registered now