What will the day involve?
The agenda for the day covers a range of topics and there will be opportunities for you to network and discuss your own experiences throughout. We aim to cover the following topics (but please note the agenda may change due to availability of presenters):
- How we set up Continuous Improvement ?(Land Registry)
- Smarter Working (Government Property Agency)
- Moving to Ideas Generation (HMRC)
- The CI toolbox - a review of what tools and techniques work well
How do I join the meeting?
Please sign up via this eventbrite link to secure your place. Please ensure you register using a valid work email address, failure to do so may invalidate your ticket.
Please ensure that you to attend the full event as spaces are limited.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Want to know more?
We now have a group on LinkedIin. To join the group once you are on Linkedin Please click this link to the Continuous Improvement CS Local Network North East, Yorkshire and the Humber group and ask to join.
1 comment
Comment by Anya Francis posted on
NE colleagues - this is a great opportunity for everyone to com along an collaborate in the world of CI - we have some very experienced colleagues attending and if you want to ask a question or offer support please book a place and come along.