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POSTPONED: Diversity and Inclusion Conference - Birmingham

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Following the Prime Minster's advice to avoid travel and gatherings we have decided to postpone this event until the Autumn.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused

Diversity letter in different colour carried by many hands

The theme of this year's Diversity and Inclusion Conference is Social Mobility. We have a packed and varied programme of guest speakers, interactive sessions and a choice of workshops.

The conference includes an address by the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Transport Bernadette Kelly CB. Bernadette is the Permanent Secretary Champion for CS Local Midlands and is the lead the cross-government social mobility network.

Circuit Judge Avik Mukherjee has had a fascinating career starting as an Administrative Assistant. He will be discussing his career journey and the challenges he has overcome.

Sonal Majaria from Leicester Cares works with care leavers and will be describing the unique challenges faced by young people leaving the care system.

After lunch (which is not provided) there will be an interactive session led by Julie Dennis, Head of Diversity and Inclusion from ACAS.


In the afternoon there will be three workshops. You will be able to attend two of these.

The choices are:

  • Louise Lenton, ACAS Director will be leading a session focusing on age and social mobility, or
  • Lynn Smith, DWP's Movement to Work Delivery Lead, will be explaining this programme and the impact it has on Social Mobility.
  • Emma Dunn, Land Registry and Gemma Kinsey, Environment Agency will be leading a session on trans and intersex inclusion at work with a focus on social mobility.

Date: Monday 30 March 2020

Time: 10 am - 4 pm

Location: Five Ways House, Birmingham

Use EventBrite to book your place.

Please confirm your choice of workshops when signing up

Please note there is no car parking at this venue and lunch is not provided. Please ensure you obtain your line manager's permission to attend this event and sign up using your work email address.

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  1. Comment by Bonnie Brown posted on


    Will this session be recorded or ran near Newcastle in the future?

    Best Wishes,

  2. Comment by June McKenzie posted on

    Hi, I would also like to know if there will be any more of these conferences run as I am in Scotland

  3. Comment by Lloyd Dineen posted on


    I am looking to attend with a disabled colleague and we were wondering if disabled parking is available? I understand that general parking is not available but my colleague would be unable to attend if there is no parking.

    Thank you

    • Replies to Lloyd Dineen>

      Comment by Angela Fisher posted on

      Hi Lloyd, if your colleague is a blue badge holder it may be possible to arrange disabled parking. I will email you shortly.

  4. Comment by Mandy Kearney posted on

    In light of coronavirus, is this still happening?

    • Replies to Mandy Kearney>

      Comment by Angela Fisher posted on

      Following the Prime Minster's advice to avoid travel and gatherings we have decided to postpone this event until the Autumn. Apologies for any inconvenience caused