Shadow Network - Where it began and how to get involved in Cardiff

Read about the Shadow Network, our journey and how to get involved at our event in Cardiff.
Read about the Shadow Network, our journey and how to get involved at our event in Cardiff.
Civil Service Local Cymru Wales is bringing its Changing Horizons event to Merthyr Tydfil, Wales and there are lots of opportunities for civil servants to get involved.
Come along to one of our 1 hour sessions in Cardiff to learn about the psychology of change.
We are committed to ensuring that wherever possible our events are accessible to all participants. If you have any requirements that would help you access our services, please let us know and we will endeavour to make any reasonable changes.
Please let us know if we are doing something that would discourage you from using our services.
We support recruitment practices to help make sure our workforce in locations around the country reflects the make-up of the local community.
Find us @CivServiceLocal on Twitter
or read about the wider Civil Service @ukcivilservice