I have worked for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for 24 years, the last 10 years as a Face to Face (F2F) Officer in the Southampton Enquiry Centre. Unfortunately, In February 2014, we were given the news that all F2F Enquiry Centres would close in June 2014 and staff were offered a Voluntary Exit package or the chance to stay within HMRC to look for redeployment opportunities. I chose to stay within HMRC and look within the Civil Service.
To aid our decisions regarding exit or redeployment, CS Local arranged shadowing days with teams within HMRC and also other Government departments. I took the chance to do as many as I could, and shadowed the Debt Management and Counter-Avoidance Directorates within HMRC. I also took part in 2 job shadowing days at the Ministry of Defence (MOD), Secretariat and Promotions departments, which I found particularly interesting and increased my interest in finding a completely different job, outside HMRC, but still within the Civil Service. I applied for a job at the MOD and secured an interview for a position with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary. Unfortunately, I was not successful in the interview but was determined to take opportunities for development offered through CS Local to improve my competencies and to apply for jobs within the wider Civil Service.
I took part in a mock interview event at a Senior school, giving 1-2-1 interviews to 10 Year 10 students (aged 14-15) and giving both written and feedback to them on the day. This was of benefit to the pupils as it gave them a taste for real life interview situations and the possible type of questions asked and behaviours required by potential employers or colleges/ universities. It also counted towards one of my Continuous Improvement days and developed my Competencies in ‘Leading and Communicating’ and ‘Collaborating and Partnering’ amongst others.
I then applied for the role of Bailiff within the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and was fortunate enough to be offered the position. I start work with the MOJ at the end of October and am very much looking forward to embarking on a whole new career. I attribute much of the confidence and empowerment needed to secure my job to the interesting and diverse opportunities offered by CS Local and hope to continue development through them, alongside my new job at the MOJ.
Take a look at the opportunities available through Civil Service Local in your area.