Do you work part time, are you considering a flexible working request, have you considered job sharing or do you manage part time staff?
If so, this event will be of interest to you. We are pleased to bring you a 2 day online part time workers event, which is open to all UK civil servants. The sessions are stand alone so you can attend one, or as many as you like.
These sessions are open to all civil servants and are ‘stand alone’ so you can attend just one or as many as take your interest. With attendance patterns and workload pressures we know it can be difficult to attend the sessions live. All sessions will be recorded and available to watch on our YouTube channel at a time convenient to you. To be able to do this please continue to register for the event and you will receive an email.
About the event
All sessions will be delivered via Youtube and those registered will be sent details nearer the time. You can book a place on any of the sessions using the links below and please register with your work email address.
This event may count towards your 5 a year learning and development days. You will need to seek authorisation from your line manager in order to attend.
1 December - day 1 is open to all, but there are sessions that might be of particular interest to managers of part time staff
10:00am to 10:45 am
This session will look at the reality of part time working in the Civil Service, the misconceptions and barriers. Register here An Inclusive Culture for Part Time Workers
11:00am to 11:45am
The Product Manager of the Civil Service Job Share Finder will explain the benefits to the manager/business of encouraging job sharing, how it works and the practicalities of managing job share colleagues. Register here Job share and the benefits to the business
12:00pm to 12:30pm
A senior leader will discuss his experience of working alongside and managing colleagues in job share and part time roles. Register here Senior Leader Experience
1:00pm to 1:45pm
The Charity for Civil Servants will explain some of the tools available which managers can signpost to staff. Register here The Charity for Civil Servants - Managers Guide
2:00pm to 3:00pm
This ACAS led session will focus on the benefits part time staff can bring to organisations. It will also address concerns managers may have when managing part time staff and provide hints and tips on how to do this effectively. Register here ACAS - Managing part Time Staff
2 December - day 2 is all about support for part time colleagues
11:00am to 11:45am
The Associate Product Manager of the Civil Service Job Share Finder website will explain the benefits of working in a job share and how to use the job finder. Register here What is job sharing?
12:00pm to 12:45pm
The Charity for Civil Servants will discuss how they can support you with money, from applying for grants to utilising budgeting tools. Register here The Charity for Civil Servants
1:15pm to 2:00pm
Be part of this interactive session where you can share your experiences of working part time, get advice, discuss some of the obstacles to career development, share best practice and develop a network of colleagues across the Civil Service. Register here Let's hear your thoughts
2:15pm to 3:00pm
We will hear from 2 senior leaders in the Department for Education who work as a successful job share partnership. Providing practical hints and tips on making a job share work and answering any questions. Register here Job Share partnership in Action
If you have any questions about the event please email the team
Comment by Sallie Martin posted on
As a part-time senior manager, there are huge benefits to my own life but also a significant cost reduction for my organisation. I work pretty much flat out for my 3-day week. As such I won't be able to take 2 days out for this. Video's or written text may be a useful alternative.
Comment by Laura Fitzsimmons posted on
Hello Sallie, thank you for raising - we are keen for this event to be open to as many part-time colleagues as possible but appreciate that attendance patterns and workload may make it difficult to attend 'live'. All the sessions will be recorded and available to watch again through our YouTube channel at a later date/time. To do this please continue to register for the event and you will be sent a link to access and view the recorded session.
Comment by Sallie Martin posted on
That's great - thank you. I will do!
Comment by Lindsey posted on
Will these sessions be available at times other than those specified, e.g. via a link to a YouTube video? I am a manager who works part time. On my team I have a part timer plus 2 that job share so am keen to join a couple of the sessions. Unfortunately (for me) they are both on Tuesday 1 December - Tuesday is one of my NWDs!
Comment by Sharon posted on
There looks to be some really valuable sessions arranged over the two days and one of the continuous problems with being part time is you are always playing catch up with the days you have missed. It would be fantastic if these sessions could be recorded and made available so everyone could see them, regardless of the hours or days they work. Our department also operates a twilight service and I am sure it would be useful to them too. Thank you for organising this as I think it is a really important issue that needs discussing as I have been in conversations where a LM has told me my part time hours prevent me from taking on developmental roles.