Job Shadowing with the HSE
We have an opportunity for you to Job Shadow with the Health and Safety Executive in Maidstone or Canterbury.
We have an opportunity for you to Job Shadow with the Health and Safety Executive in Maidstone or Canterbury.
Job Shadowing is a good way for civil servants to experience what it is like to work in another government department. It is a tool that can be used for your own personal development, showing you new ways of working and …
We have a number of job shadowing opportunities across the south east including locations in East and West Sussex, Kent and Surrey. Job Shadowing is a good way for civil...
Volunteering by civil servants is an important part of the government white paper on giving. In the south east we are bringing together local schemes looking for volunteers in your area. To apply please email a completed expression of interest form to Liz …
Would you like to give something back to the community you work in? Do you want to develop new skills? Do you want to volunteer but can't find the right opportunities? We can help! In London we are working Haringey, …