Help at hand for flood victims

Emergency procedures have been put in place by the Charity for Civil Servants to speed up the process of applying for help for civil servants affected by the current flooding.
Emergency procedures have been put in place by the Charity for Civil Servants to speed up the process of applying for help for civil servants affected by the current flooding.
CS Local North West are up for the “Excellence in Civil Service Reform” award. Kathie Bates and her leadership team have been invited to the auspicious Awards Ceremony in London on 19 November 2014 and we wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us.
GAP - The ‘Government Access Point’ is a project involving Civil Servants from across government visiting local hospices, providing support and advice. On the 15 October we began a series of events at Trinity Hospice in Blackpool.
On behalf of the whole team, I want to say a massive thanks to our wonderful volunteers for making the Civil Service Live event in Liverpool such a huge success! Our “orange army” as you were affectionately known to us …
The Countdown is almost over – ONLY 1 day to go. So, it’s finally here – only one more sleep, so I’d like to take the chance to say a big thank you to everyone who’s been involved in bringing …
Our next bite-sized learning “discovery session” is this week and focuses on Vision 21 - the vision for the Civil Service going forward. Ben Rake from the Cabinet Office will join our Civil Service Local team to lead an interactive session and …
We are committed to ensuring that wherever possible our events are accessible to all participants. If you have any requirements that would help you access our services, please let us know and we will endeavour to make any reasonable changes.
Please let us know if we are doing something that would discourage you from using our services.
We support recruitment practices to help make sure our workforce in locations around the country reflects the make-up of the local community.
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