Moving On - Alexandra Ellis

Following the closure of HM Revenue and Customs Face to Face centres, Alexandra Ellis uses Civil Service Local development opportunities to help her secure a job in a new department.
Number of civil servants in the East South East and London - 152, 290
This breaks down into 21,160 (East), 39,470 (South East) and 91,660 (London).
Number of departments and agencies in the East South East and London - 79.
The East South East and London is a huge geographic area covering from the Norfolk coast to the Isle of Wight, with Greater London at its centre. Whilst London contains the majority of our civil servants, there is a distribution across the whole of the region, with significant pockets of staff in places such as Southampton/Portsmouth, Dover, Hastings, Reading, Milton Keynes, Cambridge, Peterborough, Norwich, Ipswich and Southend.
Our CS Local team delivers cross departmental induction, leadership academies and learning/networking events. The blog page below will show you the latest events open for booking, alongside other reports and stories which we think will be of value to you.
We also run cross departmental networks for those who work in, or are passionate about, continuous improvement; engagement and wellbeing; environmental issues; social mobility, diversity and inclusion and citizen outreach. If you wish to join one of the networks, please email the team mailbox.
The East South East and London CS Local Team is led by Ian Barton and can be contacted on their team mailbox -
Following the closure of HM Revenue and Customs Face to Face centres, Alexandra Ellis uses Civil Service Local development opportunities to help her secure a job in a new department.
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Would you like one of the CS Local team to visit your workplace? We are keen to come and visit your workplace to talk to you and your colleagues about the opportunities that we can offer you or how we can …
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We are looking for Facilitators and Mentors to support the Eastern Academy. This is the first cross-departmental ‘Academy’ for ‘leaders of the future’ to be held in the east of England and will be launched in September. Delegates will attend a …
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Our annual staff survey tells us how we are performing, but it also highlights the huge differences in staff engagement scores across and even within departments and offices. This is worrying because we know that civil servants who are more …