Discover opportunities within the Counter Fraud Profession

Discover opportunities for civil servants within the Counter Fraud profession by attending our 2 day live online event on 13 and 14 July.
Discover opportunities for civil servants within the Counter Fraud profession by attending our 2 day live online event on 13 and 14 July.
Diversity and Inclusion Network National call up! Civil Service Local has a newly established national D&I network, you may have attended our CS Connect event “Unity, Not Uniformity” in September. Listening to your feedback we want to do more by …
CS Local are making every effort to connect you so, why not join our virtual CS Connect event and engage with other civil servants, hear from inspiring people sharing their personal experiences and get involved in breakout sessions focusing on ‘Our Changing Workplace.’
CS local ESEL will host a discovery session on the Psychology of Change with David Patey. Join us for enthralling event in Westminster.
Let's all help drive Inclusion through positive role-modelling. New decade, new direction, boundary-less Leadership.
We still have places available at our networking event in Plymouth next Wednesday, book a place online
Devolution and you - what does it mean and why should it matter to you
The Nexus shares details of their first event and invites you to get involved with their future activities in Scotland