Boundary less Leadership through role-modelling

Let's all help drive Inclusion through positive role-modelling. New decade, new direction, boundary-less Leadership.
Let's all help drive Inclusion through positive role-modelling. New decade, new direction, boundary-less Leadership.
Colleagues from across the Civil Service exchanged ideas and shared their experiences of diversity and inclusion at a packed event in Salford.
National Inclusion Week is an annual event of raising awareness of having a diverse and included workforce.
This year’s theme is 'Everyday Inclusion- Celebrate and Inspire'.
Join us for a day of networking, hearing inspiring leadership journeys and top tips for progression
CS Local Scotland have launched their Diversity & Inclusion Network, see what they have planned and how you can get involved.
Join the Civil Service Hearing Disability Network and/or Civil Service Visual Disability Network to share information and presentations, offer and get support and attend events on hearing and visual disability across the civil service.
Civil Service Local in the East of England is holding a new Discovery Session on Tuesday 26 January 2016 at Eastbrook, Cambridge in order to support greater cross-departmental working on Diversity and Inclusion - find out more!
The first meeting of the cross departmental Equality and Diversity group in the south east of England will be held at the HM revenue and Customs Office, Compass House in Southampton on Thiursday 16 October from 12:15 to 2:00 pm Would you …