How would you like a personalised development plan, specifically aligned with the new Success Profiles? We’re looking for volunteers at middle manager grades to help test a new Behaviours learning and development toolkit.
Number of Civil Servants in NI - 3820.
(There are another 25847 staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service).
Number of departments and agencies in Northern Ireland - 10
Our CS Local team delivers cross departmental induction, leadership academies and learning/networking events. The blog page below will show you the latest events open for booking.
We also run cross government partnership networks for those who work in, or are passionate about, continuous improvement; engagement and culture; wellbeing; environmental issues; learning and development; social mobility, counter fraud profession: diversity and inclusion and . If you wish to join one of the networks, please email the team mailbox.
The Scotland and Northern Ireland team are Neil Alton, Heather Flanagan and Mary Crozier.
Team mailbox - cslocalscotlandandnorthernireland@cabinetoffice.gov.uk
How would you like a personalised development plan, specifically aligned with the new Success Profiles? We’re looking for volunteers at middle manager grades to help test a new Behaviours learning and development toolkit.
CS Local Northern Ireland had 2 very busy days recently with 4 Discovery Sessions facilitated by members of the Immigration Enforcement Leaders In Action team. Lots of skills learnt, experiences shared and a late session for evening shift colleagues.
What makes you tick? And how can such knowledge help you in the workplace? Do you know the key behavioural features needed to lead and the elements common to high performing teams? For answers to these key questions, check out the upcoming Discovery Sessions for civil servants in Northern Ireland.
In this Discovery Session, you'll have the opportunity to identify the signs of low resilience, learn the key steps to improve your resilience and how to implement these into your everyday life - all in an interactive and unique cross-departmental environment.
7 years - 31 talent academies - 1,600 leaders - over 30 departments and agencies - 250 facilitators. We are inviting those who have been involved to meet to reflect on and celebrate our success.
Read about our latest Discovery Session on inclusive communication called Talk to the Hand
Networking and sharing our skills and knowledge to develop continuous improvement across Northern Ireland
Lynn and Neil reflect on their hectic journey over the last few months and look forward to continuing that journey over the coming months.
In October The Charity for Civil Servants launched a chatbot, ‘DogBot’ and their Wellbeing Hub. These tools brought together their most popular wellbeing self-help resources, enabling users to identify, choose and receive information direct to their inbox. Additional and refreshed …
Urgent request for people to attend a session discovering the work of the RNIB in Northern Ireland
Join Civil Service Local for a free interactive discovery session looking at examples of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace and how to manage them.
Today, Monday 26 November see the Belfast 'A Brilliant Civil Service In Action' event, where we will also officially launch Civil Service Local Northern Ireland.
The Tell Us Once service was designed to make things simpler for bereaved families. Find out more about the service here.