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Cymru Wales

Number of civil servants in Wales - 29,000 in UK Government, 5590 Welsh Government.
Number of departments and agencies in Wales - 39

Our CS Local team delivers cross departmental induction, leadership academies and learning/networking events. The blog page below will show you the latest events open for booking.

We also run cross departmental networks for those who work in, or are passionate about, continuous improvement; engagement and wellbeing; environmental issues; men's issues; women's issues; talent; social mobility, diversity and inclusion and HR. If you wish to join one of the networks, please email the team mailbox.

The Wales team are Kim Ann Williamson MBE and Vicky Howard.

Team mailbox -

Update on L+D4U

Notice board with the title My Learning And Development plus cards saying Success Profiles, personal plans, triple action, career progression.

We promised you an update on the recent pilot for our learning and development toolkit, L+D4U. So with sincere thanks to all 337 colleagues who volunteered to test our prototype, read on for the results to date, and another opportunity to register your interest.

Devolution and you - what does it mean and why should it matter to you?

Image of a magnifying glass over a map of the UK

These sessions will give you a real sense of why devolution matters, the current challenges driving our work and the role that civil servants will play in shaping devolution and governance across the UK in the coming years.