Schools, snakes and sweatshops!

Connecting with our local communities through volunteering with schools and community organisations not only promotes awareness of how our work supports the public, it helps citizens access the services we provide.
These are articles that have been archived as either they were promotional and the date of the event has passed or they are no longer relevant
Connecting with our local communities through volunteering with schools and community organisations not only promotes awareness of how our work supports the public, it helps citizens access the services we provide.
This Discovery Session will advise you how best to use Civil Service Jobs, with top tips on making your job application stand apart from others.
The next discovery session will equip you with the techniques you need to share your employability skills with schools, colleges and vulnerable groups as a Civil Service volunteer.
Volunteering is one way to make a difference, in so many ways. As well as helping others, it can boost your confidence, show how you have enhanced your personal and teamwork skills, used your talents in a new environment and much more.....
Opportunities in Notingham and Derbyshire to help students succeed in getting their first job or making the most of university life.
Congratulations to Beccy Purcell and Melanie Banks on being shortlisted for the 2015 Civil Service Awards.
A member of staff at HM Treasury tells of his experience volunteering for Crisis the national charity for single, homeless people, helping them deliver life-changing services.
Aleem has recruited volunteers from HM Treasury - read the article to see how you could make a difference by joining the list of civil service volunteers waiting to help various disadvantaged groups in our City.
Schools across England are in need of enthusiastic and skilled volunteers to become school governors. This is a great way to contribute to your community and use your skills and experience
Get involved with the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship
How to secure that job discovery sessions are now offered in Lincoln and Leicester. To book a place please read on.
There has been a tremendous response to our call for volunteers and we have enough for the events outside of London. In London more are needed!
The midlands cross-departmental Equality and Diversity network is hosting a discovery session to raise awareness and generate debate on how equality and diversity are being addressed in the civil service.
Find out more about the Continuous Improvement Network in the East of England, including the details of our next meeting in November.
What does Devolution mean to the typical civil servant? What do you need to know? This session aims to discuss and answer those questions
September dates for Midlands network meetings have been set. If you would like to attend, please come along and share your expertise.
Leadership Statement and Champion Difference roadshow comes to Nottingham
Our latest discovery session gives you handy hints and tips on searching the CS Jobs site and completing an application form.
The next meeting of our Employee Engagement Network is on Tuesday 21 July 2015 in the HM Revenue & Customs Office in Worthing. Please give me a call if you wish to attend on 07775404009 or drop me an email. …
Civil Service Live 2015 will soon be with us and we need your help. We need volunteers for a variety of roles at each of the venues in Newcastle, Manchester, Bristol, Edinburgh and London. Sign up now.