Learning and Development Network seeks new members

The Learning and Development Network is looking to expand and recruit additional members. Susan Brookes-Morris explains why she joined and describes the benefits of being involved.
The Learning and Development Network is looking to expand and recruit additional members. Susan Brookes-Morris explains why she joined and describes the benefits of being involved.
Are you interested in finding out about the challenges faced in local authorities? If so then you may want to know more about the Cabinet Office's Local Government Pilot Programme.
Colleagues from Child Maintenance Group will be leading a Discovery Session focused on Continuous Improvement and Lean tools within their department, allowing the opportunity to share ideas and best practice.
Can you help share your departments examples of best practice
Colleagues from Child Maintenance Group will be leading a Discovery Session focused on Continuous Improvement and Lean tools within their department, allowing the opportunity to share ideas and best practice.
Damian Gilkes from DWP's Digital Secure Communication team is leading a Discovery Session about how Business Transformation in DWP is building services around the needs of the user
Following on from the success of Discovering Operational Excellence, delivered by HM Passport Office Continuous Improvement Team in Newcastle, we are delivering Discovering Operational Excellence in Sheffield.
The North East Continuous Improvement (CI) Network is offering a Discovery Session about embedding and sustaining continuous improvement in the workplace.
The Yorkshire and the Humber and North East Continuous Improvement Networks were represented at CS Live in Sheffield. Read more here
The CS Local North East, Yorkshire and the Humber Continuous Improvement Networks recently held a Development Day where delegates identified topics that they would like to find out more about. The network is developing a programme of Discovery Sessions based on these and the first session will be about Operational Excellence, delivered by HM Passport Office Continuous Improvement Team.
Two Midlands networks of interest are holding discovery sessions over the next few weeks. How to get that job and Seeing things differently are the topics.
The first Yorkshire and Humber Continuous Improvement networking meeting of 2016, saw us meet on 22 March, at the British Library, at Boston Spa, Wetherby, our hosts for the day being Hilary Hallas and Graeme Bentley. Hilary started the day …
Victoria from the CS Local NE/YH team talks about the success of this years Continuous Improvement (CI) Network Development day...
“Don’t even think about it – just do it!” A recorded address from John Manzoni, the Civil Service CEO, encouraged colleagues to get involved with Civil Service Local and help make a difference to citizens. Colleagues at a Continuous Improvement event in Manchester took him at his word, as I found out.
Find out more about this excellent opportunity to hear about the successes and sharing of good practice from different Government departments.
Find out more about the first cross departmental volunteering venture for the North East Continuous Improvement Network.
Alison Roach and Steve Benson talk about the Continuous Improvement Networks and how you can join.
Chris Barr from the Food Standards Agency is a member of the Continuous Improvement Network. Read more here about his involvement in the group and his experiences at Civil Service Live
Find out how you can join colleagues from HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions to discover more about Programme and Project Management roles
Colleagues from the Food Standards Agency and the Land Registry made the most of the networking opportunity offered by the Yorkshire and Humber Continuous Improvement Network to give the Land Registry access training that they would not otherwise have known about. Read here to find out more