Be inspired to volunteer at our latest discovery session

If you would like to know more about the benefits of volunteering - to yourself, your team and your business – then please join us for our upcoming Discovery Session in London on 15 December.
If you would like to know more about the benefits of volunteering - to yourself, your team and your business – then please join us for our upcoming Discovery Session in London on 15 December.
If you are in an emergency situation and affected by flooding or other extreme weather the Charity for Civil Servants is here to help.
Being a mentor, as well as a fulfilling experience, can be crucial to developing valuable skills, and being mentored can help you overcome problems, plan your career and develop capabilities. Signing up is easy and only takes a few minutes.
In time for Christmas The Charity for Civil Servants has launched its Budget Calculator; a tool enabling any civil servant concerned about their finances to quickly see whether they need to take urgent action or not.
As we know Christmas can be a difficult time for individuals and families on extremely tight budgets. One way you can help is by volunteering a couple of hours of your time on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd December in a location near you.
We invite you to our next Discovery Session in London to learn about Engage for Success, share your experience, expertise and ideas on the topic and listen to what others are doing.
Get some early Christmas magic for your children with a personalised letter from Santa. Order from The Charity for Civil Servants.
By volunteering just 3 hours a week you can share your love of books and instil confidence in a child. Find out what is involved by attending an information session (there is no obligation to sign up) in London.
RBLI is looking for business managers to carry out mock interviews in Aylesbury to help ex-armed forces personnel get into civilian jobs.
Greville D'Cunha recommends the ESEL academy to anyone wanting a challenge and the opportunity to show their potential and step outside their comfort zone.
Donate a couple of hours of your time and volunteer for Crisis at Christmas in London this winter.
I recently volunteered to attend a careers fair which was a big challenge for me. It built my confidence and brushed up my face to face communication skills and I would do it again. The Civil Service is a leading employer and it’s great to be a part of it and to tell the next generation.
Are you ready to take on the Get Yellow Challenge? ‘Get Yellow’ is The Charity for Civil Servants’ annual fundraising week, running from 3 to 7 October. It’s a great opportunity to get together with your colleagues and be as inventive as you like!
Would you like to volunteer as a marshal to support Diabetes UK flagship London Bridges Challenge on 9 October. You would help marshal the route and make the fundraising walkers feel great on the day.
Another opportunity to volunteer to help Brandon Trust on their London allotment
Our Engagement Network has identified that Bullying and Harassment remains a concern and undertook to investigate ways in which everyone can help address the problem.
If you live in the London area and have a passion for reading, by volunteering just 3 hours a week you can share your love of books and instil confidence in a child.
Civil Service Local is pleased to announce a cross-departmental opportunity for civil servants in the east, south east and London to join our Academy programme for junior grades.
Would you like a day out of the office volunteering your time to help on an allotment? We have just the opportunity.
Another Walking Challenge comes to an end, with over 1,700 participants and 51 government departments and agencies taking part to support The Charity for Civil Servants! Collectively everyone walked an incredible 356,400 miles (over 14 times around the Earth)
We are committed to ensuring that wherever possible our events are accessible to all participants. If you have any requirements that would help you access our services, please let us know and we will endeavour to make any reasonable changes.
Please let us know if we are doing something that would discourage you from using our services.
We support recruitment practices to help make sure our workforce in locations around the country reflects the make-up of the local community.
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or read about the wider Civil Service @ukcivilservice