CS Local Scotland - the story so far

A chance to reflect on progress since CS Local Scotland launched in April, see what is coming next, and what is on the horizon.
Number of Civil Servants in Scotland - 45660 UK Civil servants 24720 and Scottish government 20940.
Number of departments and agencies in Scotland - 47
Our CS Local team delivers cross departmental induction, leadership academies and learning/networking events. The blog page below will show you the latest events open for booking.
We also run cross government partnership networks for those who work in, or are passionate about, continuous improvement; engagement and culture; wellbeing; environmental issues; learning and development; social mobility, counter fraud profession: diversity and inclusion and . If you wish to join one of the networks, please email the team mailbox.
The Scotland and Northern Ireland team are Neil Alton, Heather Flanagan and Mary Crozier.
Team mailbox - cslocalscotlandandnorthernireland@cabinetoffice.gov.uk
A chance to reflect on progress since CS Local Scotland launched in April, see what is coming next, and what is on the horizon.
Rozanne Kidd talks about her career, her passion for the Civil Service and why she said ‘Yes’ to being SRO for CS Local Scotland.
Come along and be part of the first CS Local Discovery Sessions taking place in Edinburgh, Glasgow and East Kilbride in June.
Today we are supporting National Staff Networks Day. Networks are a core, integral part of what we do in bringing civil servants from across the departments together, to break down barriers, provide insight into what matters to them and to share practical and creative solutions to common issues.
Civil Service Live is the government’s annual, cross-department learning event, attracting thousands of civil servants to regional events to learn, network and share best practice. Find out how you can attend an event near you.
Andrew Crich, team members from Civil Service Local and colleagues from the Civil Service Group were in Glasgow today supporting the "A Vision of a Brilliant Civil Service In Action" event. This marks the start of Civil Service Local in Scotland.
Ever wondered how much exercise you get in an average day? It might be a lot more (or a lot less) than you think! What we do know is that keeping active improves our wellbeing.
We are delighted and excited to tell you that Civil Service Local is launching in Scotland in April. One of the first events that we will be supporting is the 'A Brilliant Civil Service In Action' roadshow in Glasgow on Wednesday 18 April 2018
The Charity for Civil Servants is this week launching a campaign to help carers. The launch coincides with National Carers Rights Day on 24 November.
Insights from the recent launch of The Charity for Civil Servants’ mental wellbeing campaign indicates that many people are looking for advice on ‘How to Sleep Better’.
The Charity for Civil Servants has recently been talking to people about effective budgeting, offering financial capability information as well as emergency help and debt advice. If you want to make informed decisions about your finances, and understand the risks and benefits of particular options, the Charity’s website has top tips to help you
Being a mentor, as well as a fulfilling experience, can be crucial to developing valuable skills, and being mentored can help you overcome problems, plan your career and develop capabilities. Signing up is easy and only takes a few minutes.
Are you ready to take on the Get Yellow Challenge? ‘Get Yellow’ is The Charity for Civil Servants’ annual fundraising week, running from 3 to 7 October. It’s a great opportunity to get together with your colleagues and be as inventive as you like!