Join our International Men's Day Events to Get Men Talking

Join us for our International Men's Day Events and Help Get Men Talking
These are articles that have been archived as either they were promotional and the date of the event has passed or they are no longer relevant
Join us for our International Men's Day Events and Help Get Men Talking
Exciting new Discovery Sessions launching in Bristol, Manchester and Newcastle. Book now to avoid disappointment!
This is another opportunity to receive tailored, focused advice on a competency example of your choice from an experienced sifter.
Following a successful Competency Surgery event in April (100% positive feedback) we plan to hold further events and we need a pool of experienced job application sifters willing to share their knowledge and experience. Can you help?
Would you like the opportunity to receive feedback on a competency example (of your choice) with an experienced sifter from a pool of cross-government departments. Well we have just the opportunity for you to receive some hints and tips.
2 Midlands networks of interest are holding their meetings this month. New members are more than welcome to join.
Due to popular demand we will be holding another 'Secure that job' discovery session, helping you make the best use of CS Jobs.
We are holding another of our popular 'Secure that job' discovery session, helping you make the best use of CS Jobs. We can't write the perfect application for you but we can give you some top tips on making your job application …
Are you looking for a volunteering opportunity in your local community that will help you develop your own skills and confidence and help others to improve their employability skills? We have just the opportunity! We are working with a number …
Many people get immense enjoyment from our greater London parks. If you want to 'put something back' or 'make a difference' why not get involved by volunteering alongside like-minded people of all ages and backgrounds? In association with The Southall …
We all start the New Year with good intentions but how many do we keep to. Why not make 2016 the year you make the most of your development days and give something back to your community by volunteering to take part in our Inspiring Young People programme.
We currently have 6 schools across London waiting for you to join one of our project teams.
The manipulation of corporate profits and the use of different jurisdictions to avoid tax is a well-known issue, but the detailed knowledge of how it is achieved is often limited to technical specialists. Hear two eminent International and European law academics, Dr Tom O'Shea and Professor Hans Van Den Hurk talk on this topic.
Devolution means the transfer of some previously centralised UK powers to the parliament and assemblies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This session, led by Cabinet Office, will help you to discover more about the devolved administrations and why this is relevant …
Love it or loath it change is a fact of life and we all need to deal with it whether in our business areas, the way we work, even outside of work. Join our next discovery session
Emergency procedures have been put in place by the Charity for Civil Servants to speed up the process of applying for help for civil servants affected by the current flooding.
The Brandon Trust are looking for volunteers in London to help in painting and decorating two large, shared houses, occupied by people with a learning disability.
30 civil servants from across London attended our latest Discovery Sessions at which employability skills were explored and delegates were shown how they can use their skills in our communities; preparing students for the world of work and helping vulnerable …
Take a break from the Christmas shopping and spend some time volunteering in a local school. More opportunities available in December
Volunteering can make a real difference to the lives around you, whilst adding something great to your life and of course your CV! We want to ensure that Civil Servant volunteers who are thinking about giving some of their time …
Due to popular demand, we are holding our third 'Secure that job' discovery session this month. This will help you to get the best use of CS Jobs, with top tips on making your job application stand apart from others. This …