Smarter working and wellbeing for civil servants event

Join Civil Service Local, The Charity for Civil Servants and Civil Service HR in a series of sessions around Smarter Working and your Wellbeing.
Join Civil Service Local, The Charity for Civil Servants and Civil Service HR in a series of sessions around Smarter Working and your Wellbeing.
Join us for our International Men's Day Events and Help Get Men Talking
Join us for a new online learning session on 25 November open to civil servants in Wales.
An exciting opportunity to attend a:gender’s newly revamped Trans and Intersex Awareness workshop in Cardiff.
The Tell Us Once service was designed to make things simpler for bereaved families. Find out more about the service here.
If Type 2 diabetes is a concern for you, please join our session at Euston Tower on 15th November.
Red Sky Thinking, are a group of nine delegates from across a range of different Civil Service departments, currently participating in the Civil Service Local Leadership Academy.
The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) is offering a Discovery Session about how they improve organisations and working life through better employment relations in the workplace.
Saeed Kidwai from BIS tells us about a series of cross departmental events highlighting different festivals in Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
CS Local has been visiting offices to talk about our range of development opportunities for you in your locality to develop essential skills, build your confidence and prepare yourself for the next step in your career. To find out more
Dementia Awareness Week will take place on 15-21 May 2016. To help raise awareness and understanding of dementia, Ann White, Dementia Friends Champion, is holding two 90 minute interactive and engaging sessions on Thursday 19th May 2016.
Victoria from the CS Local NE/YH team talks about the success of this years Continuous Improvement (CI) Network Development day...
This session, led by Cabinet Office, will help you to discover more about the devolved administrations and why this is relevant to you and your role.
Devolution means the transfer of some previously centralised UK powers to the parliament and assemblies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This session, led by Cabinet Office, will help you to discover more about the devolved administrations and why this is relevant …
Find out more about how you can work with the Cabinet Office to help raise awareness of the honours system in Yorkshire and the Humber
The next Reserves Experience in fast approaching - Thursday 15 October. Book your place now and come to Manchester Town Hall. This exciting experience will show you how the skills and experience you gain in the Reserves can benefit your career
The Ministry of Defence is piloting a one day ‘Tri-Service’ (Army, Navy and RAF) insight course for civil servants across the north east and Yorkshire and the Humber, promoting Reserve Careers and offering you the opportunity to ‘Have a GO!’
Find out more about how you can work with the Cabinet Office to help raise awareness of the honours system in Yorkshire and the Humber
In the latest discovery session organsied by Civil Service Local and the Cabinet Office Simon James, Deputy Director of the Elections Division in the Cabinet Office will take you through the Civil Service Story. Find out more here
Do you know someone whose life has been touched by dementia? This Discovery Session will help you to understand more about it, and how you can provide help and support to people in your community who are living with the disease.