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Improving our communications with you.

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A National Spotlight
Three women are sat around a table talking and laughing. Aman is stnding next to then with his back to the camera.

Targeted, effective, timely communication is important in enabling any organisation or business to operate effectively. We want to make sure our communications are properly targeted and that we are making the best use of the channels available. This is your chance to have your say. Complete our survey and help us improve our communications with you.

Goalball UK: Trying to Stop a 1.25kg Ball Hurled at You in the Dark – What Could Possibly go Wrong

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A National Spotlight, East, South East & London
Logo of Civil Service Sports commission branding

A fellow civil servant Emma Evans from DEFRA (Department for Environmental, Food & Rural Affairs) shares her personal story and a collaboration for "have a go events" in collaboration with Visual Network, Goalball UK, the Charity for Civil Servants and …

Postponed - Power of attorney, intestacy, and wills - demystifying what it all means and being prepared

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Midlands
A hand holding a fountain pen signing an official looking document

Aside from birth, dying is the only other experience we will all share. So why is it so hard to talk about it? And, why is it so important that we should? Join us for an interactive session about why it is important to make a will and the things you need to talk about and consider.