Join a discussion about CS modernisation and reform

Hear the latest on Civil Service Reform at our next session on 26 May 2021 which is open to all UK Civil Servants
Number of Civil Servants in NI - 3820.
(There are another 25847 staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service).
Number of departments and agencies in Northern Ireland - 10
Our CS Local team delivers cross departmental induction, leadership academies and learning/networking events. The blog page below will show you the latest events open for booking.
We also run cross government partnership networks for those who work in, or are passionate about, continuous improvement; engagement and culture; wellbeing; environmental issues; learning and development; social mobility, counter fraud profession: diversity and inclusion and . If you wish to join one of the networks, please email the team mailbox.
The Scotland and Northern Ireland team are Neil Alton, Heather Flanagan and Mary Crozier.
Team mailbox -
Hear the latest on Civil Service Reform at our next session on 26 May 2021 which is open to all UK Civil Servants
Whether you have a formal engagement role or are just passionate about improving engagement in your department, take this opportunity to learn about what is taking place across the Civil Service in Scotland to support our colleagues and find out how Covid is changing our workplace culture.
We have speakers from, Insolvency Service, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Defence, Social Security Scotland , Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs. As well discuss as discussing topics linked to engagement and culture, there will be opportunities to talk about what future working practices will look like and share your experience, expertise and ideas on how together we can meet the challenges and opportunities facing our departments.
Scotland and Northern Ireland CS Local know it can be difficult to get to learning events if you work part-time, work shifts, or if you have caring responsibilities. Please read on if you would like to know more?
A unique opportunity for colleagues in Scotland and Northern Ireland to connect and to hear from key speakers to help inform decisions when making future career choices.
Tickets are still available for our online International Women's Day sessions running throughout the week commencing 8th March.
Join us for an awareness and discussion session on dementia and how it affects those living with it and their carers.
A week of online events open to all Civil Servants across the UK to celebrate International Women's Day on the 8th March...
Due to the due to the popularity of these sessions we have added extra dates available to colleagues in any location....
We are pleased to invite all civil servants to join our online event on 23 February 2021 where you will hear from a member of the Modern Registration Division about the voting process. Find out more and how to register.
We have been working with colleagues from the Government Digital Service and are pleased to invite you to an online session about the work of The Data Standards Authority.
Join CS Local on 19 January Laugh, breathe and relax! Intrigued please read on.
Are you an unpaid carer? Do you see it as just part of everyday life to keep trying to push through the days and weeks to get to the next one? Would you like to be part of a supportive network of people facing the same issues and challenges as you?
Join our online events taking place on 1st, 2nd and 9th December 2020 in support of the United Nations International 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign.
A great opportunity to bring devolution to the forefront of your minds, to engage with those new to intergovernmental working and to start important conversations about the opportunities presented by devolution.
We are pleased to bring you a 2 day online drop in event open to all UK Civil Servants on 1 and 2 December. Find out more about the sessions and how to book
Diversity and Inclusion Network National call up! Civil Service Local has a newly established national D&I network, you may have attended our CS Connect event “Unity, Not Uniformity” in September. Listening to your feedback we want to do more by …
We are proud to offer civil servants the chance to join a number of online events that we are staging to celebrate International Men’s Day (IMD), which takes place on 19th November.
Neurodivergent, Neuroatypical. These are words that you may have increasingly come across – but do you know what they actually mean?
Civil Service Local: East, South-East & London (ESEL) and cross-government Race to the Top G6/7 network are proud to invite you to their first ever cross-departmental Black History Month national event on 30 October 2020.
CS Local Scotland Wellbeing network have put together a short article on recognising the relationship between satisfaction with time use and wellbeing. In order to enhance wellbeing, we need to look at optimising our use of time. read on for some tips...