Volunteers still needed at Civil Service Live London
There has been a tremendous response to our call for volunteers and we have enough for the events outside of London. In London more are needed!
There has been a tremendous response to our call for volunteers and we have enough for the events outside of London. In London more are needed!
The midlands cross-departmental Equality and Diversity network is hosting a discovery session to raise awareness and generate debate on how equality and diversity are being addressed in the civil service.
Following our win at last year's Civil Service Awards, we recently joined colleagues from across government to celebrate 10 years of these prestigious awards. At the fantastic event at Lancaster House, I was reminded once again of the incredible work done by civil servants – something we should celebrate much more often. The night also marked the launch of this year's awards and nominations are open until 07 August.
A Civil Service Leadership Statement event took place in Birmingham on 5 May. Led by the Cabinet Office Leadership team, the focus was on what the Statement means now and what it will mean in the future.
Jayne Krol shares her Ten Top Lessons resulting from her work so far with Civil Service Local where she has taken overall responsibility for promoting cross-government collaboration and leading all our citizen-focused activities in the north west of England.
Mandy Morris tells us how her first experience of leading a project in a prison involved mentoring new team members, motivating offenders – and eating lots of chocolate!
“There is no script and no process’. These words could be unsettling to civil servants, accustomed as we are to plans, procedures, standard work instructions and the like. But the idea of working without the usual restrictions can also be liberating, as I found out on my first day with Civil Service Local.
Alice Muskett tells us about joining a team of volunteer civil servants to work with offenders at Thorn Cross Prison in Cheshire as part of the Going Forward project
Colleagues from across the Civil Service came together in York for the second meetingof the Yorkshire and Humber Continuous Improvement Network. Read more about the day here
Welcome to our blog pages. Civil Service Local - where you work and where you live: Better opportunities for civil servants, Better services for the public and better value for money.
Do you want to get fitter and healthier and raise money for a good cause at the same time? Then why not take up the challenge of the Big Charity Bike Ride on 17 May to raise money for St Catherine's Hospice in Preston?
Discovery Session: Managing Change. Come along to our session on Thursday 26th March at Land Registry, Peterborough and get thinking about how you and your colleagues can handle change more effectively.
The Incredibles held an event with government departments and Age UK coming together to share knowledge and information. Participants also had the chance to see some of the services offered by Age UK.
Chris Cole of Office of the Public Guardian took advantage of the job shadowing opportunities in the West Midlands and spent a day with colleagues in the Animal and Plant Health Agency.
Our next Discovery Session is going to be at Trinity Bridge House on 06 March focusing on Civil Service Learning and how you can use the portal to build a better understanding of your competencies.
Academy 2013 graduate Graham Stanex is moving on, both in terms of his department and country as he returns to his native Northern Ireland to take on a new role in the Home Office. He shares his story so far.
Lorraine Edgar from HM Courts & Tribunals Service encourages you to consider applying for an Apprenticeship.
Neil Healy and his Academy group, the Quills are hoping to share positive messages from the north west public sector by tweeting with the hashtag #OpeningDoorsCSNW
On 6th February 2015, Civil Service Local North West welcomed John Manzoni (Civil Service CEO) to Manchester for a Discovery Session. The event was held to enable John to hear from some of the volunteers about the work they had been a part of.
Steering group memeber Carla Prendergast, North West Area Manager for the Child Maintenance Group shares her thoughts on her first year of involvement with Civil Service Local and her recent visit to Manchester to meet John Manzoni, our new Chief Executive Officer for the Civil Service.