Join a discussion about CS modernisation and reform

Hear the latest on Civil Service Reform at our next session on 26 May 2021 which is open to all UK Civil Servants
Hear the latest on Civil Service Reform at our next session on 26 May 2021 which is open to all UK Civil Servants
Join our online events taking place on 1st, 2nd and 9th December 2020 in support of the United Nations International 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign.
How to recognise neurodiverse conditions such as Dyslexia, Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autistic Spectrum Condition at work. Why don't you lunch and learn?
CS Local Scotland Wellbeing network have put together some practical tips to help you take care of your mind and body whilst staying at home during Covid - 19
CS Local Scotland would like to offer you opportunities to help the team progress their business plan for 2020-2022, can you help?
The 2019 Devolution and You Survey has launched!
Kathie talks about the first 10 months leading the CS Local team - and follow the link to read the 2018 Quarter 1 report and see what the team has been doing
Supporting the Civil Service Workforce Plan and the ambition to be the most inclusive employer in the United Kingdom by 2020, job sharing and alternative working patterns enable flexibility whilst attracting new and retaining existing talent.
Micha Smith from MOD in Lichfield reflects on the last 6 months and what she has learnt from taking part in the Civil Service Local Midlands Academy.
Donate a couple of hours of your time and volunteer for Crisis at Christmas in London this winter.
The first cross-departmental Diversity and Inclusion Network conference will be held in Leicester. It promises to be a really interesting and productive day.
As I leave the Civil Service and begin my retirement, I would like to share with you some of my experiences as a member of the Civil Service Local NW Steering Group. The activities I’ve seen and taken part in have inspired me and left a lasting impression.
This is the first in a series of blogs where we’ll be following a cross-government group of middle managers called Team Quattro, who are focusing on helping citizens in our community who find themselves in vulnerable circumstances. We start by looking at their recent visit to an Age UK day centre in Manchester.
'Easy' according to the George Gershwin song but what does summertime conjure up in your mind? Wimbledon, picnics, days at the beach, holidays, rainy days? You will all have your own ideas, but there will be some common themes.
Leadership and Championing Difference events have been happening around the country. Read about the events in the London and the south east of England.