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CS Local Networks are unique in providing opportunities to engage across departments

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Multicoloured people shaped pegs forming circle around the word Network

Are you interested in finding out more about what networks are in place in your area? Would like an opportunity to explore establishing a new network? We need your drive and commitment.

Join CS Connect - world day against trafficking in persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 30 July Logo

Thursday 30 July is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, and to mark the occasion Civil Service Local will be holding an online event for civil servants across the United Kingdom. The purpose of the event is to provide attendees with a basic knowledge of what modern slavery is, how they can spot the signs of trafficking, and an understanding of where they can go for assistance or to refer suspected cases.

Carers Week 2020 - Sharing stories across the Civil Service

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A National Spotlight, East, South East & London
a hand holding anothers for comfort

Today I want to reflect back over the thoughts through the week, and give an insight into a couple of stories from Civil Service Colleagues who are happy to share their experiences around caring. Hopefully these little blogs have prompted …

National Caring Week 2020 - Making Caring Visible

Carers Week logo

Making Caring Visible, that’s the message for National Caring week 8 – 14 June this year, and the focus is to raise the visibility of carers and caring, why not take  a look on the carers week website Carers play …

Learning and Development Network Needs You

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: North West England
Yellow skilled people card

It’s a simple idea, we all do better when we work together and invest in our future! Do you have curiosity for how others create and deliver learning? Do you have a wealth of experience within the learning and development profession that you can share with colleagues from across government? If yes then CS Local North West needs you! We are looking to re-launch the north west cross-departmental learning and development network. This network is specifically aimed at those with responsibilities for learning and development as part of their role.

Genius Within - Live Webinar

words Genius within at the top left corner, smartly dressed people climbing to the top of a hill crossing a bridge

How to recognise neurodiverse conditions such as Dyslexia, Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autistic Spectrum Condition at work. Why don't you lunch and learn?

World Environment Day - preventing plastic pollution

hands holding plastic

The Environment Agency will be hosting a webinar on World Environment Day (5th June), to talk about the impact of plastic pollution. Read more to find out how to join.

Civil Service Connect - Rising to the Challenge

blue background with the words A Brilliant civil service

Would you like to engage with other civil servants, listen to thought-provoking sessions and meet inspiring people sharing their experiences? If so, why not join us at our virtual CS Connect event.